Professional Learning Communities
- About
- Pillars
- Collaborative Teams
- Focus on Learning
- Continuous Improvement
- Focus on Results
- Resources
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are collaborative groups of educators who work together to improve teaching practices and student learning outcomes. PLCs meet regularly and are guided by shared values, norms, and protocols. PLCs can take various forms, ranging from grade-level or subject-area teams within a school to interdisciplinary groups spanning multiple schools. PLCs demonstrate six essential characteristics:
- A Focus on Learning
- A Collaborative Culture with a Focus on Learning for All
- Collective Inquiry into Best Practices and Current Reality
- Action Orientation: Learning by Doing
- A Commitment to Continuous Improvement
- A Results Orientation
Mission Statements
Bartley Elementary
Bush Elementary
McIntire Elementary
High Levels of Learning for ALL.
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Fulton Middle School
Fulton High School
Preparing and Educating for Success.
Vision Statements
Bartley Elementary
Bush Elementary
McIntire Elementary
The vision of McIntire School is to promote high levels of learning for all in a safe, positive, engaging environment. Families, staff, students, and the community will collaborate to support one another and ensure we meet the needs of all learners.
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Fulton Middle School
Fulton High School
Fulton High School
• Provides a POSITIVE and SAFE community for students and staff.
• Engages students to ACHIEVE their goals.
• Values professional DEVELOPMENT and community CONNECTIONS.
Collective Commitments
Bartley Elementary
- Commit to observing, sharing, and collaborating with one another.
- Have trust and presume positive intentions of others.
- Try new things.
- Hold myself accountable in a timely manner.
- Focus on the right work (4 corollary questions).
Bush Elementary
- We are committed to using student data to drive our instructional decisions as we differentiate instructional strategies to optimize student learning.
- We are committed to providing a safe and caring learning environment for all.
- We will encourage students, parents, and community members to be active participants in our students' learning.
McIntire Elementary
- We make decisions based on data.
- We differentiate instruction for each student.
- We create an environment where we ALL belong.
- We foster an environment for positive relationships.
- We collaborate with ALL.
- We promote a safe, respectful, and responsible environment for ALL.
- We use research based materials and practices.
Fulton Early Childhood Center
- ensure every child feels safe, loved, and nurtured.
- ensure that students feel safe to take risks and know that mistakes are opportunities for learning.
- foster independence, and allow students to be who they want to be. *build meaningful relationships within and among our school family through trust, guidance, and connections.
- recognize the unique gifts and abilities of every child.
- utilize a high quality curriculum with fidelity to ensure success and create a love of learning through developmentally appropriate practice.
Fulton Middle School
- We are committed to establishing an emotionally and physically safe, trusting and positive environment so that students can learn at high levels.
- We are committed to effective communication regarding student progress and positive relationships with all stakeholders.
- We are committed to creating assessment capable learners utilizing the data teaming process and student goal setting.
Fulton High School
We are committed to the success and well-being of every student, recognizing all students as our students.
- We are committed to high expectations for behavior and citizenship. Through our own actions, we will model kindness, understanding, integrity, and respect for our students.
- We are committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for all students, parents, staff, and community members.
- We are committed to providing a challenging, rigorous, and developmentally appropriate curriculum.
- We are committed to professional growth based on best practices and current research.
- We are committed to weekly collaboration with our teams to support each other in data-driven decision making to develop instructional strategies and design methods of assessment.
- We are committed to promoting a supportive environment through positive referrals, parent contacts, and social media communication.
- We are committed to upholding the building expectations (grades, hall passes, supervision, etc.) for both students and staff.
Bartley Elementary
- Academic Goals
- The end of the year iReady Reading Diagnostic will increase from 69% (2023-2024) of students on or above grade level to 72% (2024-2025) of students on or above grade level.
- The end of the year iReady Math Diagnostic will increase from 63% (2023-2024) of students on or above grade level to 68% (2024-2025) of students on or above grade level.
- The percentage of students scoring advanced and proficient on the MAP will increase by 5% from 2024 MAP assessment to the 2025 MAP assessment.
- Attendance Goals
- 90% of students will attend school 90% (or more) of the time.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- The percentage of staff members selecting a 4 or 5 for questions 16, 17, and 18 as measured by our Staff Climate and Culture Survey will be 65%.
- Bartley will maintain teacher absences. Teachers will maintain 5 days or less per certified staff member.
Bush Elementary
- Academic Goals
- The percentage of students scoring on or above grade level on the iReady Reading Assessment will increase by an average of 25% from the beginning of the year diagnostic assessment to the end of the year diagnostic assessment.
- The percentage of students scoring on or above grade level on the iReady Math Assessment will increase by an average of 30% from the beginning of the year diagnostic assessment to the end of the year diagnostic assessment.
- Attendance Goals
- 90% of students will attend school 90% (or more) of the time.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- The percentage of employees indicating “agree” or “strongly agree” that their supervisor ensures that staff morale is high in their school or department (as measured by the 2025 spring employee engagement survey) will increase to 80%. (Comparable to questions #14 and #16: 14. I usually look forward to each working day., 16. I feel supported by the people I work with.)
- The percentage of employees indicating “agree” or “strongly agree” that FPS recognizes employees for their high-quality work and accomplishments (as measured by the 2025 spring employee engagement survey) will increase to 80%. (Comparable to Questions #13: I see professional growth and long-term career opportunities with Fulton Public Schools.)
McIntire Elementary
- Academic Goals
- The percentage of students scoring on or above grade level on the iReady Reading Diagnostic will increase from 52% to 62% by May 2025.
- The percentage of students scoring on or above grade level on the iReady Math Diagnostic will increase from 47% to 57% percent by May 2025.
- The percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced on the MAP Assessment will increase by 10% in both Reading and Math by May 2025
- Attendance Goals
- 90% of students will attend school 90% (or more) of the time.
- Students will increase their time engaged in classroom instruction. This will be done by decreasing the amount of days spent in ISS and OSS. Students receiving office discipline referrals will decrease by 10% from X days to X days by May 2025.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- The percentage of staff members selecting Agree or Strongly Agree (4 or 5 on the rating scale) on the staff survey for “belonging” in our building, will increase from our baseline score from the fall survey to 80% when given in the Spring.
- McIntire will maintain teacher absences. Teachers will maintain 6 or less days absent per certified staff member.
Fulton Early Childhood Center
- Academic Goals
- 80% of Pre K students will identify 15 upper or lowercase letters by March 2025.
- 80% of Pre K students will count with 1-1 correspondence from 1-10 by March 2025. 80% of Pre K students will rote count to 15 by March 2025.
- 80% of Kindergarten Students will be at or above grade level in the phonemic awareness portion of the iReady Reading Diagnostic by March 2025.
- 80% of Kindergarten Students will be at or above grade level on the iReady Math Diagnostic by March 2025.
- Attendance Goals
- 90% of kindergarten students will attend school 90% of the time.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- Coming soon.
- Coming soon.
Fulton Middle School
- Academic Goals
- The percentage of students receiving proficient or advanced on the ELA MAP test will increase by 8% per grade level cohort for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The percentage of students receiving proficient or advanced on the Mathematics MAP test will increase by:
- 8% for our 6th grade cohort for the 2024-2025 school year
- 10% for our 7th grade cohort for the 2024-2025 school year
- 9% for our 8th grade cohort for the 2024-2025 school year
- The percentage of students receiving proficient or advanced on the Science MAP test will increase by 2% per grade level cohort for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Attendance Goals
- 82% of students will attend school 90% or more in 2024-2025.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- The perception of high staff morale will increase from 51% of staff agreeing or strongly agreeing to 70% of staff agreeing or strongly agreeing to question 14 in the Spring 2024 climate and culture survey that states, I usually look forward to each working day.
- FMS will decrease teacher absences by 1.2 school days. Going from 7.7 days to 6.5 days per certified staff member.
Fulton High School
- Academic Goals
- We will achieve an 85% success rate as measured by the percentage of students with ALL passing grades at the end of each semester (Fall 2024 & Spring 2025) as compared to 75% Spring semester of 2024.
- We will achieve a 95% success rate as measured by the percentage of passing grades at the end of each semester (Fall 2024 & Spring 2025) as compared to 92.8% Spring semester 2024.
- Attendance Goals
- The percentage of students attending school 90% of the time will increase from 76% as measured in May 2024 to 80% by May 2025.
- Climate & Culture Goals
- We will increase the parent participation from fifty five in Spring of 2024 to 100 parents in the Spring of 2025.
- We will increase the student participation from forty four in Spring of 2024 to 400 students in the Spring of 2025.
- We will strive to have 80% of our staff rate us with a 3, 4, or 5 for question thirteen (I usually look forward to each working day) and question seventeen (I feel like I belong at this school) in the Staff Climate/Culture survey.
Collaborative Teams
Meeting Norms
Bartley Elementary
- Respect other’s time
- Presume positive intentions
- Be present and contribute
- Come prepared with materials
- Student-centered
- We are ONE
Bush Elementary
- Use devices respectfully
- Begin/End on time
- Everyone engaged
- Be prepared/positive
- Make sure all voices are heard
- Assume/Have positive intentions
- Side bars to a minimum
McIntire Elementary
- Begin and end on time
- Respect and listen to others/tone check
- Take care of your needs, clean up after yourself
- Keep sidebar conversations and distractions to a minimum
- Be reflective educators
- Come to meetings prepared
Fulton Early Childhood Center
- I will ensure all voices are heard.
- I will utilize turn and talk time to verbally process.
- I will be mindful of my actions and distractions.
- I will be on time, prepared, and ready to learn.
- I will find my one thing and focus on it.
- I will presume positive intent.
- I will hold myself and others accountable.
Fulton Middle School
- Begin and end on time
- Presume POSITIVE intentions with an open mind
- Speak and act professionally with respect
- Be constructive and goal-oriented
- Actively participate and focus on agenda
- Be engaged, empower others, and educate yourself!
Fulton High School
- Begin and end on time
- Limit "What if" questions
- Be professional (tech, comments, etc.)
- Limit sidebar conversations
- Maintain a positive attitude
Bartley Elementary
- Serina Anthony (PDC)
- Chancie Azdell
- Danyelle Eads
- Tracy Guse
- Nikki White
Bush Elementary
Our leadership team is composed of the principal, four teachers, and our PDC representative. The leadership team meets monthly to review data, SMART goals, and action steps from the building improvement plan. We celebrate successes and help develop action steps for areas of concern. Our team also provides input into building PD activities. Leadership Team
McIntire Elementary
- Laura Dooley-Wilder
- Megan Metz
- Maggie Purdy
- Travis Reger
- Melissa Speer (PDC)
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Leadership Team
- Shannon Fisher
- Elizabeth Hess
- Libby Hrabovsky
- Kari O'Neal
- Abby Quick (PDC)
Fulton Middle School
- Kristin Clark (PDC)
- Jeremiah Hoskins
- Chelsea Jacobs
- Abbey Ordway
- Logan Patrick
- Lucy Shrout
Fulton High School
The Fulton High School Leadership Team includes the principal, a counselor, five teachers, and our PDC representative. The team has historically met once every two weeks, but is currently meeting weekly. We oversee the fundamentals of the PLC process, including the creation and monitoring of the school’s mission, vision, collective commitments, and data teams.
- Jason Boedecker
- John DeFily
- Rachel Diemler
- Christopher Elliott
- Jim Hall (PDC)
- Anne Langendoerfer
- Kelly Neudecker
Focus on Learning
- Question 1 - What do we want students to learn?
- Question 2 - How will we know if students have learned?
- Question 3 - What will we do if they don't learn it?
- Question 4 - What will we do if they already know it?
Question 1 - What do we want students to learn?
Fulton Public School curriculum is aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards and Priority Standards. State standards have been reviewed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and approved by the State Board of Education. Teacher leaders in Fulton are involved in the curriculum development process each year. Updated curriculum is submitted to the Fulton Board of Education for final approval once it has been reviewed by instructional staff and administration. Approved curriculum can be reviewed at the FPS Curriculum page on the district website. Additional information about curriculum review, development, implementation, and evaluation can be found in the FPS Curriculum Handbook.
Question 2 - How will we know if students have learned?
Early Childhood
Elementary School
Middle School
At FMS our data teams meet monthly to analyze students' scores on both classroom common assessments as well as standardized tests (NWEA, IXL, MAP). After analyzing these scores and finding both the successes and areas for improvement, we then determine what next steps are needed in order to ensure the success of all of our students in the classroom.
High School
Our data teams and lead team progress monitor students using different methods: formative and summative assessments, Mastery Connect, and SMART goal data. These tools allow us to see which students are prepared for additional learning or those that are in need of interventions.
Question 3 - What will we do if they don't learn it?
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Bartley Elementary
Bush Elementary
McIntire Elementary
After benchmarking students at the beginning of the year, reading interventionists meet in two-hour blocks with each grade level. The team breaks students into four to six groups based on their most pressing need. Every day, each grade level is assigned a 30-minute Hornet time during which these groups of students meet with a teacher to receive instruction. Typically one classroom teacher services enrichment students, while others have groups working on comprehension, phonics, writing, test prep, etc. Reading interventionists meet with small groups of students who are struggling the most. Each week teachers conduct progress monitoring so that students can move fluidly between groups as needed.
Fulton Middle School
Fulton High School
FHS has a designated seminar time in which we have built in several interventions. Four days per week, students have a thirty-five minute period during which time they may visit any one teacher on their schedule. They may use this time to work independently on their homework, seek help from that teacher, or prepare for or retake assessments. During this time, teachers can also request a student attend his or her seminar in order to make up missing assignments or receive additional instruction. On-Track Tuesdays are the days set aside for students to attend their assigned seminar teacher, who typically keeps the same students each year and serves as an adviser/mentor. During On-Track Tuesday seminar time, teachers and students check grades, look for and complete missing assignments, discuss strategies for success, set goals, and complete grade-level lessons designed by our counselors. Another intervention built into FHS is the Intensive Care Unit database, or ICU. ICU is a school-wide system for reporting missing assignments. When teachers input the missing work, parents receive a notification. Students have twenty-four hours to submit missing assignments before being pulled into the ICU room for supervised completion of their work. In 2018-19, our school implemented the ICU program with our freshmen; in 2019-20 we added sophomores to the ICU program. ICU has been proven effective in our building for recovering the practice necessary for success and in increasing the number of students who earn credit and remain on track to graduate with their cohort. Our PBIS team and Problem Solving team will continue to monitor students' needs and implement additional interventions (assigned Seminar time, Check and Connect, mentoring, etc.).
Question 4 - What will we do if they already know it?
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Bartley Elementary
Bush Elementary
McIntire Elementary
During our RTI time, one classroom teacher plans for enrichment activities for the groups of students who have met benchmark goals.
Fulton Middle School
Classroom teachers work together to provide instruction within the classroom to meet the instructional needs of each student. If students have mastered on level tasks, enrichment is provided during the intervention block at the end of the day as well.
Fulton High School
FHS uses our iSucceed program, Academic Week, and National Honor Society to identify and reward students for their academic achievement. Students who excel in academics are recognized through these programs and earn time to explore Makerspace activities or play higher-level thinking games during seminar, celebrate their success through week-long Academic Week recognition including attending an educational field trip, and/or expand their service learning through NHS. In addition to these programs, our academically talented students have an opportunity to expand their learning through Scholar Bowl. The district Gifted teacher is also scheduling opportunities throughout the year where she can come to meet with her previous students as an added support. We have many AP and Honors level courses that are available for our students to take.
Continuous Improvement
Building Improvement Plans (2024-25)
Data Teaming Practices
Bartley Elementary
Bush Elementary
McIntire Elementary
Fulton Early Childhood Center
Fulton Middle School
Fulton High School
Data teams are formed within our departments and are centered around common courses. Our teams meet regularly and document their work on a Data Cycle Report; most of our teams have a common plan time, those that do not meet before or after school. Some of our teams consist of members who teach single-section courses; these teams share their individual data for feedback and focus on improving instructional practices. Teams' priority standards are linked on our school's PLC website, which serves as our work space. Our school's Mission and Vision statements, Collective Commitments, and SMART Goals are all posted on this site. Additionally, there is a link on this site to all the Data Cycle Reports for our teams and all Leadership Team, Faculty Meeting, and PD Day agendas/minutes; the site also has a Resources page. Teams or individuals are expected to complete and submit a formal data cycle 1st quarter and 3rd quarter. They schedule times to review these data cycles with the FHS BLT during 2nd quarter and 4th quarter. Our Leadership Team also posts suggestions for PD Plans on this page, which allows teams to adopt plans that are consistent with our instructional goals, streamlining the work for our faculty members.
Data Teaming Resources
Focus on Results
Local Assessment Data
MAP & EOC Results
2024 MAP & EOC Results
In 2024, students completed MAP Grade Level Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics in grades 3-8. Students in grades 5 and 8 completed MAP Grade Level Assessments in Science. Students in grades 9-12 completed End-of-Course Exams over Algebra 1, Biology, English 2, and Government. A summary of results is linked below by grade level and school.
APR Results
2024 APR Scores
Annual Performance Reports (APRs) for the 2023-24 school year are linked below. APRs demonstrate the progress districts and individual schools are making towards meeting MSIP 6 Standards and Indicators.
- Bartley Elementary School
- Bush Elementary School
- McIntire Elementary School
- Fulton Middle School
- Fulton High School
2023 APR Scores
Annual Performance Reports (APRs) for the 2022-23 school year are linked below. APRs demonstrate the progress districts and individual schools are making towards meeting MSIP 6 Standards and Indicators. Data may only be compared to 2022 APR data, and not previous APRs released under MSIP 5.
Our Journey
Fulton Public Schools has been implementing the PLC model for nearly 20 years. Our schools have been active participants in this work and have received several awards in recognition of exemplary implementation.
Fulton Early Childhood Center
- National Promising Practices Award in 2023
Bartley Elementary School
- National Model PLC School Award in 2019
- DESE Sustaining Exemplary PLC School Award in 2018
- DESE Exemplary PLC Award in 2015
Bush Elementary School
- National Model PLC School Award in 2020
- DESE Sustaining Exemplary PLC School Award in 2018
- DESE Exemplary PLC Award in 2015
McIntire Elementary School
- DESE Exemplary PLC Award in 2016
- DESE Sustaining Exemplary PLC School Award in 2019
Fulton Middle School
- National Model PLC School Award in 2019
- DESE Exemplary PLC Award in 2019
Fulton High School
- National Model PLC School Award in 2019
District Continuous Improvement
Since 2012, DESE has supported the District Continuous Improvement (DCI) framework, which builds upon the PLC model and incorporates research from John Hattie and the National Center on Educational Outcomes. Fulton Public Schools has braided the DCI framework with existing PLC practices since 2020. While our district participates in the DCI initiative and receives support from RPDC consultants, we remain committed to foundational PLC practices.